A. Because every morning he wakes up, takes his bag of Cherry Blossom Shoe Wax and buff cloth, heads over to Sachin Tendulkar's house, and proceeds to shine his balls for the next two hours.
me: "what the hell happened??
nishith: "aste's giving us an F for copying from each other's papers."
me: "but it was you fuckers who looked at my paper and copied from it! My stuff's all original!"
n: "yeah, you're getting screwed anyway. he doesn't care who copied from whom. he's failing everyone who has similar stuff."
It took 30 mins worth of groveling and pleading before he let us off. And we had to rewrite the damn paper. Actually only I had to rewrite it......the other two were writing it for the first time....
moral: don't have dumbasses for friends.
We were the only four people in about a 50 sq km area. Photograph courtesy self-timer.
Road trips are different from all other kinds of travels in the sense that your pace can be adjusted to match the local pace of life. Your day begins with the locals as you grab your lota/toilet paper and head off behind a boulder to take care of the original "download". Then after a cup of the local brew you're off to explore and experience the place. And so it goes on for many days. What a life!
Some movies really manage to give the viewer a real slice of the locales. Lord of the Rings was one such movie, this is another one. Watch it and you'll understand what I'm talking about. I bought the DVD today......a great addition to any collection. Oh, soundtrack's pretty good too!
Exhibit A: Bappi vs. Nelly
This blog will self-destruct in 5 seconds.
I'll putt-putt along on my Rowenta till then. Fellow coffee connoisseurs welcome.