Caught the late show of MI:3 with dad. Monday night, English movie, full theatre...what is this city coming to?? heheh.....anyway, so we're watching and there's this scene where Tom Cruise injects this girl with adrenaline inside a bad-guy infested building.....real edge-of-the-seat moment. And dad turns to me and goes, "'s to keep her from fainting." My sister trying to explain that to me would probably get a "Really??????" and Aditi would be met with a "No shit Sherlock!" but with dad it was just really amusing! My father still feels he should pass along the occasional bit of knowledge to his offspring....after all we're the "MTV generation." He's a bit like Jim's dad from American Pie, full of advice that I can't bear to absorb......oh man! And there are his occasional R-rated jokes that I have to laugh at (even if I've heard them before)......yeah, we're talking Desi Pie here my friends. With pickle.
By the way, saw X-Men III recently....I like superhero movies....dial M for mutants, maniacs, mystery. Clark Kent returns to theatres this month......faster than a speeding bullet!
Speaking of movies....I've seen some good stuff since I got my DVD library membership renewed. Dirty, Four Brothers, Two for the Money, Ice Harvest......John Cusack is one excellent mofo!
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1 comment:
hope you didn't miss the cruising-pun intended in the DHL van. Go the yellow and red brigade
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