Friday, September 01, 2006

brain wide shut

I've become a freaking insomniac. Or maybe I was a closet insomniac and finally decided to come out. So yeah, I've been coming home from work at wierd hours this past week. I'm exhausted beyond belief and too tired to even have dinner....and then I can't sleep till five in the morning. Only litres and litres of chai can get me through the next day. And oddly, when I do fall into sleep, it's with the help of Jim Carrey. I rented the "Eternal Sunshine...." DVD last week, and I've fallen asleep thrice after watching about 15 mins worth. Sure it's a critically acclaimed movie and all, but MAN the dude is dead boring when he stops making the wierd faces!! I'm sorry, watching a loser getting his brain dy-cleaned is just not much fun to watch at three a.m.

Meanwhile I've been getting in touch with old friends. Yeah, that time of the year when I start remembering the good times that were indulged in while at college. I spent 15 mins on the phone with an old friend in the US leafing through the memories. It's like drinking wine. The longer you wait before talking about it, the fonder the memory becomes. Hah! All that sentimental shite!!

But there are some traditions in the US which I liked more. Like friends taking you out and getting you drunk on your birthday is a hell of a lot of fun than having to treat everyone! We should do that here in India instead of the bloody "happy birthday! where's my treat?" thing that goes on. Then there was the barbecue where everyone hung around a grill and drank beer and talked about all kinds of crap. Here we have the kabab specialist making tikkas while people hang around and talk crap. That bonding element kinda goes missing when you throw in a dude walking around with a tray full of kakori kababs.

Hmmm.......all that food talk is doing things to my tastebuds. Hang on.

Okay, took care of the salivating issue. So yeah, must get in touch with my other carnivore brethren and dig into some mutton chops one of these days. I should write about food more frequently. Think I will.

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