What's your one favourite moment in Indian cinema?
I realised which one was my favourite a few days ago while watching doordarshan (yeah so I watch DD sometimes even when there's no match on.....big deal). Shockingly, it has Shahrukh Khan in it. Now I really dislike the guy and his frikkin stammering, but he doesn't say a word in this scene. The scene is from Swades, and if you've ever lived abroad you'll like this movie for sure. I'm talking about the part where Mohan is returning to the village from some trip and his train stops at a station. This kid selling water comes running up and asks him to buy a glass for 25 paise.
I feel anger, frustration, helplessness and an extreme desire to do something about the state of the country every single time I watch it. I think some amount of community service should be mandatory for everyone in this country......like you have to serve in the armed forces in Israel, Switzerland etc. for a couple of years or so.
Sanitation, education, health, welfare.......take my word for it, the government will NEVER be able to do it all. Either we come to terms with it and do it ourselves or we can continue to wait for Uncle Ram to come around and do it for us and enjoy the ignorance and filth in the meantime.
I think we would have been better off under British rule.....look at Hong Kong today.
I know, I'm leaking frustration.
Brother, you cant expect the government to do everything all by itself. It needs the support of the citizens of India. If you take the example of VMC, its got a door to door garbage collection service. They've got trucks moving throughout the city to collect the garbage. But we keep littering the streets. So who's to blame?
You say education? There is a school in almost every village. Girls education is free. So what can the government do if the people dont send their children to study?
Health. Ok the health department needs improvement. Govt. hospitals should be better equipped. In small villages and in cities.
Welfare. The government officials keep thinking and acting for their own welfare.
We indians want that the government should feed us, clean our litter, give us everything we ask for. Why not everyone of us try and do our bid. Why litter on the streets? Why not donate some amount every year to a charitable organization? Charity begins at home!!! lets start it from home.
dude have you seen where the VMC dumps the garbage it collects? They drop about 50% as they're driving to the dumping ground. And landfilling is apparently a totally alien concept for these fuckers.
As for education, I suggest you look up the stats on teacher shortage in India. I believe we're talking a few hundred thousand.
Next health. No argument there. a ward full of people on ventilators died in Surat last week because there was no electricity.
Welfare. Another alien concept.
I already do my bit, perhaps that's why I'm more pissed off than most people about these things.
My solution:
Fix your own shit. Pay civil servants better salaries and arm the police with sub-machine guns. It's a proven fact that wherever policing is strict the country progresses faster.
I may be blind... but you haven't exactly opened up your eyes to the good things in India.
Anyway, I've seen where VMC dumps the garbage it collects. I know that 50% falls down on the way to the dumping area. Its more like 51.35%. So have you written to the Municipal Commissioner about it? No!!! You got pissed and put it on your blog. But then again, have you seen the garbage people throw on the road? where is our civic sense?
Shortage of teachers. Yes. True. What about shortage of volunteers wanting to teach a few kids and do some good. Have you and I ever done that? Nope!! I'm selfish so I dont do it. Dont know much about you.
A ward of people died in surat because of no electricity. You konw how many would have died if there was electricity?
Welfare; like you said is alien
Your solution isn't much better either. Fix your own shit is fine. If it were me, I'd be flushing my own shit!!!
And you know what would happen if you give the police a sub-machine gun?? They're rude, violent bastards as it is now.
You think we're ready for rude violent trigger happy police force who'll go about foulmouthing every one then beating them up and finally shooting them at will??
Another government cost going up!!?? More taxes. I think they're better off with lathis!
There is one clichè solution to everything.... "Badhu Bhagwan Ne Bharose Che!! Je Aapna Maate Vicharse Saaru J Vicharse!"
"Jai Shree Krishna"
garbage: I sort my garbage AND I yell at peoplewhen I see them throwing it on the streets, and if they still shamelessly refuse to clean it up, I do it. And I plant trees. And I'm STILL frustrated.
education: I've taught at least three people how to read and write. The guy who used to sweep my office last year does data entry today (still works for me).
policing: go to UP/Bihar and try having a cup of coffee with a female friend and you'll understand why we need cops with guns.
I do my bit and still feel the need to bitch. Don't know if anyone's listening though.
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