Monday, March 23, 2009

fly like an eagle

Over the last year and a half or so, I've wondered about writing on my blog a number of times. All of those times have been after at least 4 drinks. Tonight is no different.

I'm starting to understand why the best songs are writtedn by people who are either drunk or high; why every story that moves you is written by an author as famous for his love of the bottle as his works.

I'm not trying to glorify alcohol excesses (though there's no reason why I should even be clarifying that point) but it's fairly clear that liquor brings out the creative best in most people. I have observed people who are so totally wound up under ordinary circumstances that it's difficult to have a balanced conversation with him/her. But throw in a few large measures of single malt and it's as if you've breathed life into a mannequin. It's fuckin unreal.

Recently I've started experiencing chest pain, one of which resulted in a panic call to the cardiologist. Probably gas. Anyway, I drink pretty much what is expected of people my age.....3-4 drinks saturday/sunday. Now here's the good part.....I'm a bloody insomniac during the week. I rarely get sleep before 3 am. I sleep like a baby on weekends. All my problems are stress-related. I've decided that if I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go high. I know I sound ridiculous, but I'm watching my life go by, and I've
realized that I'd rather be a dead drunk than a sober mannequin.

I've been raised with the idea that making mistakes is not acceptable. Insobreity gives me a temporary licence (valid only o my own trippin highway) to think/say/do anything I want without the burden of consequence. Like Clark Kent turning into Superman for a while., red chaddis and balls of steel.....the whole package.

I'd like to quote mr. Bob Marley here. who in all his wisdom taught us......

Sun is shining, the weather is sweet
Make you want to move your dancing feet
To the rescue, here I am
Want you to know ya, where I stand

(Monday morning) here I am
Want you to know just if you can
(Tuesday evening) where I stand
(Wednesday morning) tell myself a new day is rising
(Thursday evening) get on the rise a new day is dawning
(Friday morning) here I am
(Saturday evening) want you to know just
Want you to know just where I stand

When the morning gathers the rainbow
Want you to know I'm a rainbow too
So, to the rescue here I am
Want you to know just if you can
Where I stand, know, know, know, know, know

Peace. It's good to be back and writing again.