Q. Why is this man still on the Indian cricket team?A. Because every morning he wakes up, takes his bag of Cherry Blossom Shoe Wax and buff cloth, heads over to Sachin Tendulkar's house, and proceeds to shine his balls for the next two hours.FUCKING WIDE-THROWING LOSER!
over 80% of the spam in my inbox is telling me to "get ViAGara" or "FIx thAt EreCctIon"
I think these emails are sent by pharma companies that sell anti-depression medication. I'd be happier if I had a good mix of porn, "viagra mail" and credit history fixers in my spam.
tuesday night, The Sentinel, dad and I. Exactly 3 seconds into the movie....."y'know, the secret service agents aren't grouped with the FBI or CIA. They fall under the treasury dept."hehehe.....some things will never change.
.....but I'm not the only one.
I'm turning into a workaholic.......15 hour days since the last couple of months. I'm totally stressed out, but loving it. So what drives people to work hard and become successful?1. Money.......a very powerful and at the same time a completely lame reason. I mean, with enough effort and focus it's going to come to you in any case.2. Need for Speed.......this is not a bad reason actually. The adrenaline rush that success generates is quite unmatched. Can also take you out if you let it go to your head.3. Point to Prove..........generally applicable to people tired of hearing "hey loser!" These people more often than not end up being the most successful of the lot. It could be any one of the above, or a combination of the lot, or even some altogether different/personal reasonMy reason is this super-powerful urge to "building a community"I have this dream of creating a company that provides livelihood to an entire community of people.......like a village. The company is at the heart of this campus. Hospitals, schools, a bank....all of it. My own Jamshedpur. That's right, I'll have to take my company public if I'm going to achieve any of this. I'm giving myself six years.
It shall be done.